It’s the same fresh, local produce from the same vendors, but if all goes according to plan, starting in January the High Springs Farmers Mmarket will be in a new location..

The market started in 2000 and is currently held every Thursday in James Paul Park next to City Hall. Maria Antela, who took over as market manager in October, came before the High Springs City Commission Monday night to request approval of a conditional use permit to host the market on a vacant, private lot several blocks away. She also needed permission to move the market, as it is technically a city-owned operation.

The owner of the property, who was not identified during the discussion, gave consent for her to request the land-use permit for the purpose of the market. Antela explained the owner has offered to let the market use the property for free, and she told the commission she hopes to make the move by January 1.

The commission approved her request with a few stipulations.  The city must be provided documented consent from the property owner and a written agreement concerning issues such as insurance coverage.

The move, Antela said, was prompted by vendors noticing lower sales since a new building was constructed that blocks the farmers market from being seen from the main road at its current location.