
Recognizing that use of a cell phone while driving increases the risk of having an accident by 4 times, the same risk as a drunk driver, and texting while driving increases the risk of an accident by 8 times, the Florida Junior Civitan Board of Directors has launched the NO PHONE Driver campaign to raise awareness.

Teenagers across Florida will encourage their own members, school mates, family and the public to sign a pledge to be a NO PHONE Driver, to stop risking the lives of everyone on the road, including themselves.

Junior Civitan is a community service club organization of 12,000 teen volunteers, in 400 clubs, in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa, helping seniors, the challenged and the under privileged.

Each club chooses their community service, environmental projects and social awareness activities.  However, the Florida Junior Civitan Board of Directors has designated this NO PHONE Driver campaign as the statewide project, after Junior Civitan Governor Matthew Pendleton, a junior at Sandalwood High in Jacksonville, learned the alarming statistics on a recent Oprah show.

To sign the pledge visit  www.FloridaJuniorCivitan.org.