
In the Voter Guide published with the Aug. 12 edition of Alachua County Today the information for some candidates was inadvertently overwritten. The statements the candidates submitted appear properly in the following Adobe Acrobat PDF. We apologize for the errors.

 Voter Guide Correction


Please note that the following candidates were not included in the original 2010 Voter Guide.

Alachua County School Board
District 1
I am David Palpant, a resident of Alachua County for 36 years, and local business owner. My son attended Alachua schools, and I have been an active volunteer for the last 14 years with the children of Alachua as a baseball and soccer coach, and as a "band dad", winning the honor of Volunteer of the Year in 2008 for Santa Fe High School, and "Work of the Heart" Volunteer of the Year for Alachua County, in Arts and Recreation. I have personally seen the benefits of keeping the arts in our schools. I am not a politician; we have enough of those and look where we are now! I want to give the voters of Alachua County the choice of a candidate who is not part of the problem, does not solicit donations from special interest groups, has no relationship with the current administration, and believes things need to change to promote fiscal responsibility and accountability. I am only in this race to help our kids get the well rounded, well funded education they deserve. Period!

Thank you for your vote on Aug. 24th. Please contact me at www.DPalpantforkids.com.

The School Board is responsible for the organization and control of the public schools of Alachua County. Over the past several decades, we have had a national, state and local outcry for improved schooling for all children. I have extensive experience working in schools, working with parents, working with communities, and working with issues related to the pressing issues that face our schools today.
My teaching experience, my leadership training and experience as a principal, as well as my extensive work at the university level in education has prepared me to serve the public well as a member of the school board. I have first hand experience dealing with issues that face parents, students, teachers, staff, administrators and communities as it relates to educating students.

District 3
I am a candidate for the School Board District 3. It has been my privilege to have served our school district in various capacities since 1970.
These are perilous times for public schools. Taxpayers deserve someone who knows what is at stake and who is experienced in the strategies that will preserve our precious birthright – a public education. I stand for fiscal discipline, local control of our schools, career-technical education and robust funding for the arts. I am a person who has the experience, strength and vision to the meet the challenges ahead.

Alachua County Commission District 2
Everyone in Alachua County deserves opportunities to be successful. We must prepare our children for school and make sure parents understand their role in their child's development. It is extremely difficult to be an effective parent when working multiple jobs so we must continue to seek a range of well paying jobs for all educational backgrounds. Maintaining our infrastructure, public safety, and protecting our natural resources are also priorities. Tax money comes from you and time and time again I have voted not to increase the tax burden on the citizens. To ask for more now just doesn't make sense!